OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


【生徒発案】Mufti Dayの開催【ニュージーランド大使館のFBにて紹介!】


【生徒発案】Mufti Dayの開催【ニュージーランド大使館のFBにて紹介!】




Mufti Dayの開催

 今回のMufti Dayを企画した私たち高校3年生3名は、高校2年生の3学期にニュージーランドでターム留学をしました。それぞれオークランド、クライストチャーチ、ダニーデンの現地校に通い、そこで“Mufti Day”というニュージーランドの文化を体験しました。

 Mufti Dayとは、日本の学校と同じように制服の多いニュージーランドの学校で年に1、2度ほど行われる文化で、私服で登校する代わりにゴールドコイン($1、$2硬貨。日本円で100円から200円ほど)を募金する日です。Mufti Dayの募金目的はその都度変わるのですが、今回はひとり親支援を募金目的としました。






English ver.(高校3年生による報告)

We’re third-grade high school students and planned this project, Mufti Day. We studied abroad in New Zealand during the third semester of our second year of high school. While, attending local schools in Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin, we experienced a New Zealand cultural event called Mufti Day.

 Mufti Day is an event that is held once or twice a year in New Zealand’s schools, most of which have school uniforms like Japanese schools. On Mufti Day, the students go to school, wearing whatever clothes they want, and donate golden coins, valued at 100 or 200 Japanese yen.

The donation purpose of Mufti Day changes each time, but the donation purpose of this time was to support single parents.

 As we had been impressed with the idea that students go to school wearing casual clothes and donate some money, we wanted the students of our school to experience this cultural event and started the project.

 It was difficult to get the teachers to understand because the school has a school uniform and there was no precedent of a non-uniform day. Through the program, we could learn what kind of preparations we need to realize what we want to do.

 On Mufti Day, the students who wore their clothes instead of the school uniform and donated some money were much more than we’d expected. Thanks to them, we were able to collect 108,755 Japanese yen. All the money will be sent to Florence, a nonprofit corporation, and will be used for support of single parents.

 We got the impression that the students got involved in this project proactively and joyfully. We hope this project was a good opportunity for the students to pay attention to donation and New Zealand culture.

 Lastly, we really appreciate the teachers who allowed this project and all the students who participated.