【留学便り】ニュージーランド留学レポート from 大田さん
This is Ota. It has been about 2 months since I came here to New Zealand. My school life here is all new to me and I enjoy everything. It is summer in New Zealand now, but it is not like the summer in Japan. I can enjoy very comfortable life every day. Let me introduce my life in New Zealand. Please read my report if you like.
I stayed in Auckland for a week before I went to Hamilton. I learned about New Zealand culture through lots of experiences. I understood about the Maori culture which I hadn’t known when I had been in Japan, and I made Pavlova, which is traditional sweet in New Zealand.
My host mother in Auckland loves animals, and she has many kinds of animals at home. I sometimes fed her pets with my host mother. Her birds were really beautiful. I think there were more kinds of birds than in zoos. I also went to “Kiwi Valley,” where we could see many kinds of animals. I could see sheep on the first day. Before I came to New Zealand, I was looking forward to seeing sheep. So I was absolutely sure that there are a lot of sheep in New Zealand. Thanks to her, I could experience many things in one week.
最初のホストファミリーは、ホストマザーが動物好きだったので家で鳥や魚や猫を飼っていて、餌やりを一緒にしました。ホストマザーの飼っている鳥は、様々な種類の鳥がいて動物園より多いのではないかとさえ思いました。また、kiwi valleyという動物と一緒に触れ合える所に行き、私がニュージーランドに来る前から楽しみにしていた羊を初日に見ることができました。初日から羊を見ることができると思わなかったので、ニュージーランドには本当にたくさん羊がいるのだと改めて実感しました。一週間という短い期間の中で、私はたくさんのことを経験することができました。
On the other hand, I was amazed about the pronunciation of English. Some New Zealand people pronounce “a“ as “アイ”. When I talked with my host mother, she told me “plate”. However, she pronounced “プラァイト”. So I didn’t understand what she said at the first time, but I was getting used to it as I listened many times.
I was also surprised that there were lots of insects more than I had thought. But when I see the insects at the meal time, I won’t get upset any more. And I can eliminate them easily and quickly.
I am sometimes asked by others, “What is your religion?” This is one of the questions I was expected. I did some research on my family and Japan before coming to New Zealand. So I could answer the question well. I have realized that I need to know lots of Japan including religions, culture and myself as well.
ニュージーランドにきて私が驚いたことは、英語の発音です。ニュージーランドでは、aを アイと言ったりします。ホストマザーと話している時にplateを“プラァイト”と言っていて、何を言っているのかさっぱりわかりませんでした。しかし、過ごしているうちにだんだん慣れました。
I had an orientation for the school from 29th January to 7th February. This (picture) is me wearing the school uniform. My school has a lot of international students, and there are about 30 new international students this year. They came from China, Thai Land, Korea, and Japan. We introduced our culture and asked each other how to say something in our language. It is interesting and the best time I have ever had. I think it is important to know and introduce culture.
Sacred Heart Girls’ college is Catholic school. So we pray to Jesus in the morning every day. The first day, we had “Pouhori,” which is ceremony of Maori. The next day, we had Catholic opening mass in the big church. This was my first time to join the Catholic ceremony. I didn’t know what to do at that time. I just looked around and I prayed like the other students. In my school, there are some events about every two weeks, so we can enjoy the school life at Sacred Heart Girls’ College.
1月29日から授業が始まる2月7日まで約1週間オリエンテーションがありました。私の通うSacred Heart Girls’ Collegeは留学生がとても多く、国際色豊かな学校です。今年は、全部で30人程度新入生の留学生がいます。その中には中国、タイ、韓国などから、もちろん日本からの留学生もたくさんいます。オリエンテーションの期間にお互いの文化を紹介したり、「この言葉〇〇語でどうやっていうの」という質問をお互いに聞き合うことが一番盛り上がりました。私は、お互い国の文化を紹介したり、知るということは大切だと思います。
また、Sacred Heart Girls’ College はカトリックの学校なので毎朝神様に向かって礼拝をします。1月30日にPouhoriという新入生を祝うマオリ族の儀式があり、その次の日には、教会でopening massというのもありました。初めてのカトリックの式に参加したので、私にとって分からなことだらけでしたが、周りの人に合わせて礼拝をしました。この学校は、様々な行事があります。Athletic dayや、新入生のためのBBQなど2週間に一度くらいの頻度で何か行事があります。そのため、学校生活をとても楽しむことが出来ます。
My school starts at 8:40 am every day. We have 20 minute break time between period 2 and period 3, and we talk with friends eating snacks. School finishes at 3:00 pm. The students who have club activity remain at school. Unlike Japan, there are not many students who join the club activities. In each class, there are about 20 students. In Japan, there is break time between each class, but there is no break here. That’s why we need to check time for the next class every time.
Sacred Heart Girls’ Collegeは朝8時40分に授業が始まります。Period 2とperiod 3 の間に20分間のBreakがあり、お菓子を食べながら友達とお話したりします。3時に授業が終わって部活動がある生徒は残り、他の生徒はすぐに帰ります。日本と違って、ほとんど放課後部活動のために残っている生徒はいません。また、授業は多くても20人程度の少人数です。そのため先生に気軽に質問も出来ます。また、先生と生徒との距離が近いなと思います。日本では授業と授業の間に休憩時間がありますが、ここでは授業と授業の間に休憩時間がないので時間を見て行動しなければなりません。そのため、授業が終わる時間が近くなると生徒は各自片付け始めて次の教室に早く向かいます。
I took ESOL, History, Art, Math, Science and Religion. We always use “Google Classroom” to contact our information, and share contents of each class. In the religion class, we learn about many kinds of religions in the world, and we read bible. Since I had never learned about religions, I didn’t know even “Jesus”. But now, I know how to read the bible.
Making friends is a different type of difficulty than I thought. My school has a lot of international students. So students here don’t pay special attention to international students like in Japan. Of course, I don’t have a buddy. Unless I try to talk to them for myself, I can’t make friends. Recently, I am getting used to talking to students I have never talked to. I joined lacrosse, yoga, and dance club. We have club activities once a week.
私は、ESOL、世界史、美術、 数学、理科、宗教の授業をとりました。Sacred Heart Girls’ Collegeでは、授業の連絡などをGoogle Classroomで連絡したり、授業の内容を共有したりする時があります。Google classroomを使う時などはスマートフォンを使います。家でも授業の復習ができるのでとても活用しています。また、宗教の授業では世界の様々な宗教について学んだり、聖書を読んだりします。大妻多摩にはない授業なので新しく学ぶことが多く、大変ですが自分なりに頑張って隣の子に聞いたり、先生に聞いたりして授業を受けています。
My host family in Hamilton is really nice. They welcomed me with great kindness. The family are a host mother and a host sister. My host mother is an active woman, and she has a lot of friends, and so she always gives me many opportunities to meet many people.
There are many beautiful places near my house in NZ. My host family is Christian. So we go to church every Sunday, and we pray before eating meal. Every Wednesday with host sister, I go to “EAST CAMP,” which is a Christian group among young people. Playing sports was the most impressive memory. To tell the truth, I was really nervous because there were many people I met for the first time. But finally I could make many friends through playing sports with them. I thought power of spots is really big. This was first time for playing rugby.
I made Japanese food for the host family on one weekend. I was able to make it delicious because I had practiced many times in Japan.
I was taught by my host mother that New Zealand people think family, friendship, and connection of people are important.
ニュージーランドは、自然が豊かな場所が身近なところにたくさんあります。また、私のホストファミリーはキリスト教の方々なので、日曜日に教会にいって礼拝をしたり、食事の前にお祈りをします。毎週水曜日には、ホストシスターのキリスト教のグループである”EAST CAMP“というところに行きます。ホストシスターと同年代の子達が集まります。私はスポーツ大会をしたことがとても思い出に残っています。初めは、全く知らない子たちと一緒のチームになり正直かなり緊張していました。しかし、スポーツを一緒にしていく中で、だんだんお互いに打ち解けていけて、たくさんの子達と仲良くなることができ、スポーツの力って改めてすごいなと思いました。スポーツ大会では、人生初のラグビー(タッチラグビー)をすることが出来ました!!
My host family like to go out and they took me somewhere every weekend. My host family sometimes took me to some beautiful places in New Zealand. Among them, I want to introduce the spot I think the best. My favorite place is “Blue Springs.” I told my host mother there are many hot springs in Japan. Then, she taught me that there is a spot which is similar to Japanese hot springs. “Blue Springs” is really blue, and the water transparency was very high. It became a lovely memory for me.
ホストファミリーは出かけるのが好きなので、毎週どこかに私を連れて行ってくれます。そのため、たくさんの綺麗な場所に連れて行ってもらいました。その中で、私が思う一番の場所を紹介します。私のお気に入りの場所は、”Blue springs” というところです。私が、ホストマザーに日本には温泉がたくさんあることを伝えたら、暖かくはないけれど、地面から湧き出る温泉に似たようなのはあるよと教えてくださり、連れて行ってもらいました。そこは、名前の通り本当に青くて、透明度がとても高く、素晴らしいところでした。日本とはまた違う、素敵な場所にいくことができたのはとても素敵な思い出です。
I have had both fun and difficulties through my experiences, and I faced a sort of big challenges during one and a half months. However, I could overcome them somehow. From now, I am going to try more new things. In addition, I want to enjoy precious time left in NZ and I will never waste the time. Of course, I will improve my English skills!
Thank you for reading!!