【留学便り】ニュージーランド留学レポート from 森田さん
Kia Ora!! 皆さんお元気ですか?
Hello, how are you?
About 40 days have passed since I arrived at New Zealand. We did language training for a week in Auckland. After that, we moved to each area of our schools and I’m staying with my second host family now. I was greeted warmly by both the first host family and the second host family. I learn many things every day, so I spend happy days.
Now I am writing a report about school; what I learned and what I thought.
After I came New Zealand, there are mainly two aspects of daily life that I found interesting. . First of all, it is about traffic. I noticed 2 things when I rode a car. First, there are few traffic lights. Instead, there is often a“roundabout”, which is a round intersection which doesn’t have a traffic light. I thought that may be one of the schemes to save electricity because electricity is very expensive in NZ. Second, there are many humps on community roads many children use. A part of roads is raisedand decelerate physically. I thought NZ has many traffic accidents, so it aims for decreasing them with this scheme.
Secondly, English is amazing. There were Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese(me) at my second house and there are Thai, Chinese, Pakistani, Italian and so on at the school. I could relate to them with English. This is obvious but I feel I can connect to the world if I can speak English. And it became one of my driving forces to study English.
Next, I will talk about a precious experience. My host father’s father passed away after about 3 days I came to the second house. They invite the corpse to their house and live with it for 3 days until the funeral. I ate traditional Maori foods with the relatives those days. Cremation is general in Japan, but burial is general in New Zealand. I saw the moment of the burial. The coffin was buried in the ground. And relatives put flowers and some things in with the coffinand they covered it with soil by themselves. I could see with my own eyes, so it was a very precious experience for me.
最後に私が通っている、Hamilton Girls’ High Schoolについてお話します。私たちは入学式で生徒のHakaで迎えられました。最初の先生の挨拶はすべてマオリ語で正直言ってひとことも理解できませんでした。しかしここまでマオリの文化が近くに残っていることにとてもびっくりするとともに、大切に受け継がれているのだと思いました。 日本とは異なり、朝礼がありません。そのため、8:45までに登校、そしてすぐに授業が始まります。授業はすべて移動教室で、授業を受けるメンバーも全授業異なるため、友達になってもその授業がない日は会えないことがあります。授業は1コマ1時間で、授業間の休み時間はありません。そのため、次の授業に支障が出ないよう、授業を延ばす先生はいません。朝礼がない代わりにインターバル前に20分のTutorがあります。そこで朝礼のようなことを行います。昼食は晴れている限り、外で食べなければなりません。月、火、水、金は15:15に授業が終わり、木曜日は14:15に終わります。ほとんどの生徒はすぐに下校します。部活動は多くて週に2回、少ないものだと2週間に1回しかありません。
私は、数学、化学、ホスピタリティ、体育、ECE(early childhood education)、ESOLの授業を取っています。体育では、タッチラグビーをやっています。タッチラグビーとは、ラグビーのタックルをタッチに変えたラグビーの安全版です。現地の子はみんな上手くてついていくのが大変ですが、面白い子ばかりで毎授業楽しくやっています。ECEでは小さい子供の教育について学んでいます。日本には無い授業のため新たな発見が多くあります。授業は難しく大変ですが、一つ一つ教えてくれる友達に助けられながら頑張っています。
Lastly, I will talk about Hamilton Girls’ High School, which I attend. We were welcomedby Haka students were doing. Greeting of the first teacher was all Maori. To tell the truth, I couldn’t understand any word. But I was surprised that the Maori culture remained so close to daily life, and I thought Maori culture is passed on carefully for generations. There isn’t a morning assembly, different from Japan. So, we have to go to school by 8:45 and every class starts then. We have a different classroom for each class, and members are different in each class. So, I often can’t meet my friends when I don’t have the class. A class has 60 minutes, and there is no break time between classes. So, teachers get a class done on time not to hinder the next class. We have a tutor class for 20 minutes instead of morning assembly before break time. We have to eat our lunch outside. School finishes at 15:15 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; it finishes at 14:15 on Thursday. Almost all of the students go back to their home as soon as school is over.
I take math, science, hospitality, PE, ECE (early childhood education), and ESOL. I play touch rugby in the PE class. Touch rugby is rugby changed to a touch instead of a tackle. So, touch rugby is safer than rugby. It is difficult for me to keep up with students of HGHS because they are good at playing it. But they are very funny. So, I’m doing it happily in each class. I learn about children’s education in ECE class. I always find new things because there isn’t a class like ECE in Japan. It is too difficult for me to understand. But I am helped by my kind friends who teach me politely, and I work hard.
この写真はathletics dayの時のものです。CAMPBELL、EDGECUMBE、HEADS、MacDIARMID、WILSONの5つのハウスに分かれて競います。私はHEADSに入りました。生徒はみんなハウスカラーの服を着て参加します。着る服はみんなそれぞれで、普通の格好をしている人の方が少なく、おかしな格好をした人ばかりでした。ほかのハウスとラップのようなもので言い争う場面もあり、日本には無い盛り上がりを感じられ、とても楽しかったです。
This is a picture of athletics day. We competed among CAMPBELL, EDGECUMBE, HEADS, MacDIARMID and WILSON. I entered HEADS. All of students wear clothes of their house color and participate. Many students wore funny clothes. There was a scene where we quarreled with rap to other houses. I was so excited because I could feel excitement you can’t find in Japan.
もう残された時間は半分もありませんが、これからできることを残さずにやり切りたいと思います。英語の面での成長も大事ですが精神的に成長して帰ることも私の目標の一つなので、悔しい気持ちをプラスに変えて楽しい日々を送ります。Kia Kaha.
The remaining time is no more a half but I will try to do everything I can do in NZ. It is important for me to be good at using English, but to mature mentally is one of my goals, too. So, I will change my regrets into positive feelings and I will spend happy days. Be strong.