【留学便り】ニュージーランド留学レポート from 臼山さん
Hello. I’m Usuyama. How are you?
I arrived in New Zealand on January 19th, and about two months have passed. I make many discoveries every day, and I can experience various things.
Here it is summer now. Recently it’s 7 to 10 degrees in the morning, and the temperature rises to around 20 degrees in the afternoon.
私がこの一週間の中で一番印象深かったものは、ニュージーランドの先住民族の“マオリ”の文化を様々な角度から学べたことです。ニュージーランドにおいて、マオリの方々の割合は約15%と言われています。この研修期間に、私は様々なマオリ語を学びました。少し例を挙げると、Kia Oraは「こんにちは」で、Ka Pai は「良い」という意味です。現地で生活している中で実際にマオリ語を使って挨拶をすると相手もすごく喜んでくださり、現地の人々と距離が縮まってすごく温かい気持ちになります。他にもマオリの伝統的なダンスなどを現地の方々がとても真摯に教えてくださり、改めてマオリという文化はニュージーランドにおいてとても神聖で大切なものなのだと学ぶことができました。
In the first week, I stayed in Auckland. I learned local cultures and visited a supermarket there. What was the most impressive in this week was I could learn “Maori Culture” from various viewpoints. Maori people account for 15% of New Zealand. In this training period, I learned many Maori words. For example, “Kia Ora” means “Hello”, and “Ka pai” means “good.” In New Zealand, when I use Maoris’ greeting, local people are glad. So I’m very happy to get more familiar among people here. And local people taught traditional dancing for us with sincerity. So I learned that Maori culture is very important and holy in New Zealand.
またこの一週間、私はオークランドの家庭にホームステイをしました。とても温かい、3歳、6歳の兄弟がいる家庭だったのですが、ニュージーランドでは兄弟のことを“gigi”と呼ぶ文化があり、ホストシスターが「Fu gigi! Fu gigi!」と呼んでくれ、折り紙やカードゲームなどをして本当の兄弟の様に過ごすことができました。別れる際には思わず涙が溢れそうになりました。
For a first week, I had a homestay in Auckland. There were siblings who are very young. And this family was very warm. In New Zealand, they call their siblings “gigi”. My host sister called me “Fu gigi! Fu gigi!”, and we made some origami and we played card games. Then I felt as if she were my real sister. So I was about to cry when I said good-bye for them.
A week later, I moved to Hamilton. Hamilton is full go greenery. And we can see many sheep and caws up close. I love this beautiful town. On the next day, my new host family took me to the beach. My host father likes fishing, so I joined it just a little. That was my first experience, and I could see various fish. Compared to Japanese beaches, I could feel more nature at the beach, and it was very beautiful…! I thought, “I want to stay here forever.”
到着してから少し経ち、現地のSacred Heart Girls’ Collegeへの登校が始まりました。
学校の授業にはmathやscience、Englishの他に、music, drama, religion education(宗教の授業)をとりました。2限と3限の間に“morning tea”という時間があり、そこで生徒は持参したクッキーやケーキなどの軽食をとることができます。
I started going to Sacred Heart Girls’ College. This school is Catholic, so I joined the praying at the church on the second day. We sing a lot of songs, and it’s difficult for me to remember them. However, they have the beautiful melodies and sounds, so I like this time at church.
I chose math, science, English, music, drama and religion education at school. They have “morning tea” between the second and the third lesson. We can have cookies or cake during this time.
私が一番大きな衝撃を受けたのは “Drama”の授業です。皆さんは“Drama”と聞いてどのような授業を想像しますか?私は日本で演劇部に所属しているため、「台本を読み、演技をするのだろうなあ。」と考えていたのですが、実際はかなり異なるものでした。まず、現地の学校にはドラマ専用の教室があり、照明やスクリーンなど演劇に必要な機材が揃っています。そして授業の内容を一つ挙げると、生徒がペアを組み、ピエロになりきり、感情のコントラストをジェスチャーのみで表現する、というものです(楽しい対、悲しいなど)。小道具や音響などはすべて生徒自身でプロデュースをします。
Compared to Japan, the local classes are unique, and I’m inspired by them every day.
he subject I was the best impressed is “drama”. What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “drama”? I belong to the drama club in Japan, so I thought I would act along the script. However, it’s new for me! In the local school, there is a special room we use only for dramas. And there is a lot of technical equipment. In this class, we sometimes have a pair-work, and we play the role of clowns. Then we express the contrast of feelings with only gestures. We can produce some props and music by ourselves. Moreover, I was surprised at their high performance level with many expressions and movements. Their enthusiasm was higher than I had imagined.
In the beginning, I was embarrassed but I felt that the shy person stands out here. So I challenge various performances with the local students positively now. We sometimes take a class outdoors when the weather is nice! In addition, I have known some warming-up games, so I want to introduce them when I go back to Japan.
It’s difficult for me to follow the classes, especially math and science. It is sometimes difficult for me to understand questions. However, when I ask some nearby persons, they teach me kindly. So I feel it’s important for me to make conversation with mates positively. My school accepts a lot of international students from various countries. So compared to Japan, we aren’t rare at all for local students. I have fully realized that nothing will happen unless you take an action. However, when I act for myself, they treat me as one student. I feel that the most important thing in foreign countries is to keep positive.
一つ目は、通学のバスでの発見です。ニュージーランドではバスを降りる際、ほとんどの方が大きな声で運転手さんに“Thank you!”と言います。この様な日常の中で人に感謝を伝える、ということが当たり前の文化になっているニュージーランドはとても素敵な場所だなと感じ、感謝の言葉が大切にされている日本と似ている部分でもあると感じました。初めは大きな声を出すことが少し恥ずかしかったのですが、最近は“Thank you!”ときちんと伝えることができて、自分自身でもとても気持ちが良いです!ちなみに、バス停での順番待ちでは抜かされることが日常茶飯事なので、そのような場面ではいつも日本の素晴らしさを感じます!
Lastly, I introduce three discoveries in New Zealand.
First, most people say “Thank you!” for a bus driver in a loud voice when they get off in New Zealand. I think this custom is great, and it’s similar to Japanese culture.
Recently I can tell “Thank you!” to bus drivers in a loud voice, and I feel very nice.
By the way, when I’m cut in line at the bus stop, I feel Japanese culture is nicer!
Second, they value their birthdays in New Zealand. In this school, we all cerebrate classmate’s birthday in the beginning of classes or homeroom time. Sometimes someone sings a birthday song with an ukulele. I was surprised first, but I’m happy to share the happy time now. And I think it is a nice custom.
Third, I sometimes hear “shower” in a weather forecast. My host family taught me it means “rain”. Correctly “rain” means continual, and “shower” means intermittent. In New Zealand, it doesn’t rain much. But I experienced “Shower” only a few times.
I have had many discoveries, so I want to tell them for you when I go back to Japan. There are a lot of difficult things and mistakes for me, but I will keep challenging everything. I have only about four weeks until I go back. So I want to live so as not to regret. And I’m full of gratitude for the people who support me.
Thank you for reading this report.