OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


【国際PG】F.Aさん アメリカ(サンディエゴ) ターム留学 中間報告


【国際PG】F.Aさん アメリカ(サンディエゴ) ターム留学 中間報告


【国際PG】アメリカ(サンディエゴ) ターム留学 中間報告 F.A.さん










・授業中にくしゃみをしたら、全員から「Bless You」と言われると思っていたが、実際はくしゃみをした人の近くにいる数人が言ってくれる。








After arriving in San Diego, USA on January 15th, I started going to school on the 17th. School is open from Monday to Friday. I stay during study abroad with host family.

·Host family
The host family is Nora (host mother) and Antonio (Nora's son). Nora is from Mexico and her family lives in Mexico. Nora and Antonio speak Spanish. English is like a second language for Nora, and she speaks in English at  a speed that even I can hear. When Nora showed me around the house on the first day of studying abroad, she said, "This is your home, so you can do whatever you want. You should be happy here." It was so glad to feel welcomed as family. 
When Antonio is at home, he spends almost time in his room, so we don't have much time to talk, but he greets me in the morning and when he comes home. He likes playing baseball and often goes out to practice after school.
A woman named Lucien stayed at the house until January 20th. Lucia is from Switzerland and seemed to be studying English. Lucia would ask Nora about the meaning of words that she didn't understand, and would add gestures when she couldn't express what she wanted to say in English. Before I went to study abroad, I had thought that if there was a word I didn't understand, I would ask person and learn it. However, when I could not understand the contents of the actual conversation, the conversation sometimes stopped. So, when I copied Lucia and asked questions, I understood the meaning of the conversation and felt the joy of learning. I could learn from Lucia about how international students should be.
Since the 27th, Nora has been busy and away from home more often, so Nora's mother is at home. She can't speak English, so we tries to communicate using gestures. I'm surprised that I understands what she want to say. It was the first time I had the opportunity to spend time with someone who didn't speak a common language, so I felt it was a valuable experience.
I eat what you want from the refrigerator or shelf (with cereal etc.) for breakfast. I make my own lunch and I take it. I didn't cook much until I went to study abroad, so I don't have a cooking repertoire. Therefore, I usually make the sandwiches that Nora taught me how to make for lunch. In America, students can bring a small amount of sweets to school and eat them whenever you want. In the morning, when I make lunch, I pack snacks in a Ziploc to take with me. For dinner, Nora makes several dishes, and each of us eats what we want, when we want, and eats as much as we want. In my family, we usually eat together, so even now, I still feel strange when Nora’s family eats at different times. For dinner, Nora prepares tortillas, pasta, pizza, soup, seasoned red rice, grilled fish, and grilled chicken. she makes a lot of dinner once and eat it over several days. Whenever I see her cooking, I ask her if there is anything I can do to help her. My favorite dinner is quesadillas (tortillas with cheese). Recently, I’m into eating tortillas spread jam. The way is Nora taught me.
For shopping, I go to a place called Walmart nearby. Walmart is a very large store that sells not only food but also clothes, sundries, home appliances, etc. like a supermarket. When I go shopping with Nora, I enjoy exchanging impressions with her, saying things like, "This is expensive," and "This is beautiful and cute," so I like going shopping.

*In the school I belong to, the classes and schedules that each student takes are different, and it is a system in which students move to the classroom of the teacher of the subject they are taking. My buddy is a student at the school I attend during studying abroad, and I take classes at the same school as my buddy,  and move between classrooms together. Buddy belongs to something like a student council called ASB. 
My buddy is a kind 15 year old girl named Aubrey. Even during classes, she cares about me, and even if I ask her something I don't understand or something that worries me about the school, she gladly answer.
She has many friends. During my lunch break, Aubrey asked me, "I'm going to visit my friend now. Will you come?" It's been two weeks since I started school and I can only listen and can’t talk when they are talking because I can understand the topics of conversation by the end of the conversation between Aubrey and her friends. Therefore, in my future studying abroad, I would like to be able to catch the topic when I am having a conversation, and to be able to laugh at the same topic.

○What I noticed ・Different points from Japan ・What was surprising
・The desk and chair are attached.
・The site is mostly outdoors, and there are several one-story buildings with classrooms.
・There is gum stuck to the under of the desk after someone chewed it.
・Students can eat sweets during classes. (In one class, I was surprised at seeing a student giving sweets to a teacher and eating them while teaching.)
・When someone sneezed in class, I thought that everyone would say "Bless You", but in fact, a few people who were close to the person who sneezed said it.
・Teachers and students would not know unless I tell them that I am an international student because there are people of various races in the classroom,
・Japan is more popular than I thought (I really see students with stuffed toys of Sanrio characters in their bags and Japanese anime characters on their clothes.)
Outside school
・I thought I would be criticized several times when I said I was Japanese, but so far I haven't. Rather, they said cool that I came from Japan.
・I thought that things would be stolen if things weren't stored securely, but there is safer than I thought(some people walk around the school with their smartphones in the back pocket of their trousers).
・About 70% of the cars running in the city are Honda and Toyota.
・In my image of an American, I thought that strangers would often talk to me, but when I was walking with Aubrey in the school, a stranger greeted me, Aubrey asked me, "Are you acquaintances?" I was surprised that American felt strange when someone greet person who didn't know. 

○Change of mind
Before studying abroad, I was not good at thinking and speaking English sentences by myself. However, while I was studying abroad, I decided that speaking English was the only way to express my feelings, and I am trying to communicate as much as possible with my host family, buddy's children, and other people involved.
・I started to think more about myself
I have more opportunities to express clearly what I like and what I want to do. Studying abroad make me realize what I like. I liked shopping and riding in the car when I was in Japan, but after studying abroad, I realized that I like that time.
・I became homesick
Before studying abroad, I thought that two months flew by and I didn't have time to get homesick. However, I spend a lot of time alone, such as before going to bed, and I become more and more negative. There are times when I feel depressed, wanting to eat Japanese food and wanting to go home. Some days I feel like I spoke English well, some days I feel like I've gotten along well with Aubrey and Nora, and some days I feel like I'm not doing well at all. I want to be able to calm down because my mood changes so much.

○Viewpoint: Will I be suitable for a job that allows me to work in Japan and overseas business trip in the future, or to work overseas?
→ More concretely, “Is it possible to live abroad? Do I feel the charm of living abroad?”
Conclusion now: Living abroad for a long period of time is not suitable for me because it is mentally exhausting.
Reason: As I explained in detail in the " Change of mind " section, during studying abroad, I realized that homesickness makes me mentally exhausted.

○From now on
・During my study abroad, I try to tell “Thank you” when I notice that someone has done something for me. I want to continue even after I return to Japan.
・I want to live my life while keeping in mind whether the results of my own viewpoint will change.