OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


【国際PG】ニュージーランド ターム留学中間報告 Iさん


【国際PG】ニュージーランド ターム留学中間報告 Iさん

ニュージーランド ターム留学中間報告 Iさん




 生活面でも色々な気づきや違いがありました。私の家庭はお風呂はシャワーのみで10分間で浴びなくてはいけないという決まりがあります。他にも洗い物をするときには水道をずっと出して洗うのではなく、シンクに水を貯めてその中で全て洗ってほしいとのことでした。これらのルールを聞いた時日本との違いに驚きましたが、ホストマザーがニュージーランドでは水道費が高いので水を節約して使うことが大切だと言っていたので私もこれらのルールをしっかりと守って生活しなければと思いました。 留学前は日本と異なる文化や生活のルールに不安を感じていましたが、実際に現地に行ってしまえば一週間程で慣れることができました。


 私は登校する際スクールバスを利用しているのですが、いつも運転手の方がラジオや音楽を流しているので、苦手な朝もいい気分で登校することができてうれしいです。一方下校は徒歩でしていて、40分程毎日歩いています。40分というと凄く長く疲れるものだと思いますが、意外とあっという間で気分転換にもなり私は毎日凄く楽しんでいます。最近は家の近くのTravis Wetland Nature Heritage Parkという公園を通って帰っています。この公園はとても広く沢山の人がウォーキングやランニングをしているので短い挨拶でもニュージーランドの人と会話をする機会が多くなりあまり人に緊張しなくなってきました。また羊や色んな種類の鳥などを間近で見ることもできて飽き性の私ですが毎日楽しく歩けました。


 I have already been in New Zealand for a month. I'm in a city in New Zealand called Christchurch. On weekends, I often go out with my friends or host family, some places have beautiful nature like beaches and parks where we can see various kinds of animals and plants. On the other hand, the central city of shops in the central city of Christchurch is very lively. I think Christchurch is a very attractive city in New Zealand.
 At first, I thought it was a long time to study abroad, but the time went by so quickly as I went to school and spent time with my host family.

 The first thing that surprised me was that the sunset was so late; because New Zealand is in summer time. I usually go to sleep around 10 p.m. but when I closed the curtains in my room, I was surprised to find it was still bright outside.
 There are many discoveries and differences in daily life. At home, I can only take a shower and I have to take a shower within 10 minutes. I also have to fill the sink with water when I do the dishes without running water all the time. When I first heard about these rules, I was really surprised at how different they were from Japan, but my host mother said it is important to save water because in New Zealand the cost of water is expensive. After hearing her story, I thought I had to follow these rules.
Before studying abroad, I was worried about the different cultures and rules of daily life, but after coming to New Zealand, I got used to life in about one week.

◎School life
 When I go to school, I take the school bus, our bus driver always plays music or the radio, so I can go to school feeling good, though I am not good in the morning. On the other hand, I always walk home for about 40 minutes. When you hear for 40 minutes, it seems so long and tiring, but surprisingly the time goes by so quickly and for a change, so I enjoy it every day.
 There are many subjects that we also study in Japan, such as math and geography, and many subjects we can only study in New Zealand. My favorite class is drama, and in every class, I have to work on a team, I can talk to many students in each class so this class is easy to make friends. In drama class, the teacher gives a theme and I have to make a drama with my classmates, so when I made a drama well, I felt a sense of achievement.
 Other things I was interested in were the school facilities like toilets, rubbish bins, and class names written in Maori. At the start of class, some teachers greeted the students in Maori. The teacher said we have to have respect for Maori people and I think it is a very good idea.

 There’s only a month left, but I'll be actively trying a lot of things, and I'll be making an effort for my own development.