OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


【国際PG】ニュージーランド ターム留学中間報告 Aさん


【国際PG】ニュージーランド ターム留学中間報告 Aさん

ニュージーランド ターム留学中間報告 Aさん

  ごきげんよう。 飛行機に乗ったことが無ければ海外に行ったこともなかった私にとってここでの生活は、毎日が沢山の新しい発見や経験に溢れていて刺激的で楽しい日々を送っています。







 私は今、全校生徒が約1000人のカトリック系の女子校に通っています。少人数ですが、ニュージーランドが多民族国家ということもあり、インド系・ヨーロッパ系・ニュージーランドの先住民族であるマオリなど様々な国籍の生徒がいます。学校は、日本にはないMorning teaというお昼ご飯の前にお菓子を食べられる時間やAtawhaiという時間があります。

 ハリーポッターのように学年混合で6色にグループ分けがされていて、Athletic dayなどのイベントがある時は、このグループでポイントを競っています。また、Atawhaiの時間にはオリエンテーションをしています。学年混合のグループなので色々な年齢の友達を作ることができます。






 また、街に出かけるとすれ違う人が “Hello!” と声をかけてくれたり、買い物をした際には店員さんが  “Have a nice day!”と声をかけてくれたりするため、自然と明るい気持ちになります。ニュージーランドはとにかく明るくて、出会う人みんなが温かいので私もすぐにニュージーランドが大好きになりました。




Good day to you.  I’m studying abroad in Auckland, New Zealand.
I’ve never even been abroad or on a plane, so every day is full of a lot of discoveries and experiences, and I have exciting and fun days.

My host family is a Kiwi host father, a Scottish host mother, and a girl of the same age and two years younger. 
When I came to NZ, I was looking forward to meeting my host family, but I’m worried about whether I’ll adapt to them. But they warmly welcomed me like a real family.  I became homesick on the first day I came here, but my host mother heard me crying, and my host sisters gave me warm tea and some cookies.  So, I could switch one’s mind.
I always make dinner with my host mother who loves cooking, my host father told me about various knowledge such as New Zealand and nature.  I enjoy talking about school, making origami, and Japanese food, and baking with my host sisters.  I enjoy it because they often take me to the beach, shopping, road trips on holidays.  Among these, it was an unforgettable and very exciting night for me to go for a drive and we all laid down and saw the sky full of stars spreading all over and shooting stars.  My host family is very kind; when I meet their acquaintance, everyone says “They are funny, kind, and very nice family”, every time I think “I’m so happy I met them”.

◎School life
I attend a school with about 1,000 students and a catholic girl’s school.  Although it’s a small number of people, New Zealand is a multi-ethnic country, so there are various nationality students such as Indians, Europeans, Māori, and indigenous people of NZ.  The school has time to eat snacks before lunchtime called “Morning tea” and “Atawhai”, which is not in Japan.
Like Harry Potter, it is divided into 6 colors in mixed year level, and when there are events such as Athletic Day, and Simming sports, we compete for points in this group.  Also, I’m doing orientation at Atawhai.  It’s a mixed-year level group, so I can make friends of various ages.  
Class methods are also very different; there are few lecture-type lessons.  For example, in commerce, we think about our budget, sweets, and packages from the first.  We have sales opportunities for students and teachers, so we can learn how to generate profits and difficulty in business and we can feel a sense of accomplishment when we achieve our goal.  Commerce is very fun and my favorite subject because I’m interested in marketing.  Everyday lesson is so fun because many subjects are not in Japanese schools, such as commerce but also drama, and religion. 
My school was not a buddy system.  So, I couldn’t talk to myself for the first two days, and I couldn’t make new friends.  But I remembered the reason why I came here, I thought that “If I didn’t call out here, I’d regret it forever” so I called the same drama class student.  Now I’m having morning tea and lunch and going swimming to the beach with 8 friends including her.
Through this experience, I learned the importance of taking action by myself.

◎Dairy life 
New Zealand is known as the world’s 8th happiness rankings, I feel like I understand the reason. While cherishing the culture of their own country, they accept the respect to the fact that many people feel happy I thought it might be.  Also, when I go out, people I pass on the street say “Hello” and when I go shopping, the clerk says, “Have a nice day!”, so I feel naturally bright.  New Zealand is very bright, and everyone is warm, so I got an instant crash on here.
I liked speaking English because it’s really fun, but since came here, I learned the difficulties of speaking in English.  Especially, even if the pronunciation is a little different, it can’t be conveyed, and struggle in conversation with my host family and friends, but they try to understand me, and sometimes other friends tell it together.  Now, I’m conscious of speaking for myself without worrying about whether my English is correct or not, because I want to take communication with a lot of people.  I have friends who eat lunch together, everyone is a different nationality, so it’s refreshing and very fun to converse with friends from other countries in one language, English.  And I’m learning a lot of English that I can’t learn in Japanese school from conversations with my friend, host family.

I’m grateful to my family who let me study abroad in and very privileged environment because this kind of experience is hard to do in Japan.

I can say that I could grow by myself so, I’ll do my best while having fun in the 1 more month remaining, valuing meeting a lot of people and my time.