OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


【国際PG】カナダ ターム留学中間報告 Tさん


【国際PG】カナダ ターム留学中間報告 Tさん

カナダ ターム留学中間報告 Tさん

 私の通っているNotre Dame Catholic High Schoolの生徒は、私達がランチに誘っても断ったり、話しかけても留学生だと分かった途端無視されたりと、留学生に興味が無い人がほとんどで、学校初日、私達は友達が出来ず、半泣きになっていました。しかし、友達が出来ないまま留学生活を終えるのは嫌だったので、私達は毎日放課後に、次の日の目標を立てる事を決めました。




 Almost all students who go to Notre Dame Catholic High School are not interested in us; for example, they turn down our lunch invitation and ignore international students, so we were crying because we could not to make friends on our first day at school. But we didn’t want to choose not to make friends in Canada, so we decided to set tomorrow’ s goals after school every day.
On the first day, we decided tomorrow’s goal which is to make friends who eat lunch with us. On the 2nd day, we talked students to make friends, and we could make the friends through a Japanese exchange program. In this way, we are trying to achieve our goal every day.
 For example, the 3rd day’s goal is to ask friends for contact information; the 4th day’s goal is to take pictures with friends. Also, when we decide tomorrow’s goal, we are sharing today’s good points and bad points.
 Thanks to this time, we are clear about what we should do today, so I’m making good use of my precious time studying abroad. We were discussing bad topic on the first week, but now we are enjoying time; for example, we went downtown with a Canadian student, we bought snacks.



 それを実感したのは、ランチタイムに開かれていたカラオケ大会です。 カナダに来る前、私は大勢の人前で堂々と歌うことなんてできませんでした。 しかし、留学生だからという理由で話しかけても振り向いてもらえない状況で、何か爪痕を残し、在校生に私達の存在を認知させたかった私達は、そのカラオケ大会で「夢を叶えてドラえもん」を熱唱しました。 その後、廊下ですれ違うと、いろんな人に「良い歌だったよ!」と言われました。 今まで、在校生の方から話しかけてもらえることはほとんど無かったので、とても嬉しかったです。このカラオケ大会を機に、留学生という存在を在校生に知らしめることができたと感じます。

 Also, I became mentally stronger through the frustration of not being able to understand the language and ignoring. I felt it at karaoke competition which was held lunch time.

 I couldn’t sing grandly in front of a lot of people before I came to Canada. But we could sing grandly a song, which is Doraemon’s theme song in front of many students because we wanted to break out the situations in which exchange students are ignored by some students and we wanted to make the students remember us before coming back to Japan. Afterwards, we were told we sang well by a lot of people who passed each other at a corridor. We were happy because up until now, we had almost never had any students talk to us. I think this karaoke competition was an opportunity to let students know about the existence of international students.


 また、授業中にGoogle Mapで日本の衛星写真を見たりしました。 Englishでは留学生6人と先生でジェンガをしたり、昨日見た映画の感想を英語で共有しあったりと、楽しく英語を学んでいます。 Artでは、人物のデッサンや、カナダの絵画の歴史を学んでいます。Artは、私にとって、クラスに日本人がいなくなる授業なので、友達作りに励んでいます。 Mathでは、基本的に個人でワークシートを解き、その後グループワークでその問題について話し合う形式で、英語と数学を同時に学べる授業です。

 最初は数学特有の言い回しに苦戦しましたが今ではもう慣れ、数学の単元の進行が遅いことも相まって、日本人は在校生から尊敬されていると感じます。 日本では、一週間に約15種類の授業を受けていましたが、カナダでは合計4種類という少ない種類の授業を毎日繰り返すことに驚きました。どの授業でも生徒が積極的に発言しており、その発言が誤答であっても、先生がその答えから話を広げる授業の仕方をしていて、私も最初は発言する事を躊躇っていましたが、今では何も臆することなく授業中に発言できるようになりました。

  I’m taking Geography, English, Art, Math class. In Geography class, we are learning about Canadian terrain and environmental issues. Our teacher likes Japan, so he sometime says statements that are related to Japan, and he has us watch aerial photo of Japan in class. In English class, we played Jenga and shared impression of the movie we watched the day before with international students.

 We can learn English in a very fun way because everyone has the almost same English skill. In Art class, we are learning about figure drawing and history of Canadian painting. Also, I’ll be the only international student, so I want to actively try to make friends. In math class, we are working on worksheets by ourselves, then we discuss the problem in a team our teacher assigned. At first, I had trouble understanding the expressions which are specific to mathematics, but I have gotten used to them now. Also, Japanese students are respected by everyone in the class, because math units are slower than Japan. I was surprised that I only take four classes in Canada, compared to taking about 15 different classed in Japan. Students actively speak in every class. Even if the statement is incorrect, the teacher utilizes the answer in class.
 At first, I was hesitant to speak up during the class, but I was captivated by the class atmosphere and started speaking up during the class.




 当初は、ターム留学で英語力を伸ばそうと思っていましたが、英語力以外にも上記のような沢山の発見と収穫がありました。 もう少しでターム留学も折り返し地点という事で、今までに得た以上の物を得られるように、これからも頑張りたいと思います。

 I have been spending my time actively going skating or to a gallery on weekends with host family. Also, the area where I live is so rural that there are no traffic lights, and host family has two dogs, two cats, two horses, and countless cows. Therefore, I can experience various things that I couldn’t experience in Tokyo, such as the night sky where I could see many stars and the sounds of animals that can be heard at night.

 But I’m making breakfast and lunch by myself because host family are not real parents. Also, I’m washing my clothes by soap by myself after taking shower. These are the thing my mother did when I was in Japan, so I didn’t know anything, such as nutritious meal, types of tableware safe to put in the microwave. Thus, whenever I didn’t understand something, I used to ask my mother, but now I can understand most things and my life skill has improved.

 At first, I thought that I wanted to improve my English skills on studying abroad, but I also got something like above.
 This studying abroad is a turning point soon, so I’ll continue to work hard to get more than what I’ve gotten so far.