OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


【国際PG】アメリカ ターム留学中間報告 Tさん


【国際PG】アメリカ ターム留学中間報告 Tさん

アメリカ ターム留学中間報告 Tさん

 ごきげんよう!  私は、1月14日からアメリカのサンディエゴに留学しています。私が日本を旅立ってから1か月が経とうとしていて、とても早く感じます。アメリカでは沢山の新しいことが経験でき、とても楽しい生活ができています。

 Hi! I have been studying in San Diego, USA, since January 14th. It‘s been a month since I left Japan and I feel it’s very fast! In America, I can experience a lot of new things and have a very enjoyable life.



 私のホストファミリーは4人家族でお父さん、お母さん、お姉さん、弟、犬がいます。お父さんはよくメキシコ料理を作って食べさせてくれます。また、キャッチボールがとても上手でびっくりでした!お母さんはとても優しく、いつも笑顔で話してくれます。学校の帰りに美味しいスープを買ってくれたり、私の写真を沢山撮ってくれたりします。お姉さんは私にTikTokを見せて笑わせてくれます。また、足が速くて頭も良いので尊敬します! 弟はとても料理が上手でコックさんのようです。いつも家事を手伝っていて優しいなと思っています。犬はトイプードルでとても可愛いです。元気があってジャンプ力が凄いです。


 My host family is a family of four, and we have a father, a mother, an older sister, a younger brother, and a dog. My father often cooks Mexican food and we can eat it. I was surprised that he was very good at playing a catch! My mother is very kind and always talks to me with a smile. She buys me a delicious soup on our way from school and takes a lot of my pictures. My older sister shows me TikTok and makes me laugh. Also, I respect her because she’s fast and smart! My younger brother is very good at cooking and looks like a cook. He‘s always helping me with my housework and being kind. Our dog is a toy poodle and very cute. He’s energetic and has great jumping power. My host family took me to many places, such as Sea World, Costco, along the border in Mexico etc.
 Also, my mother’s cousin accepted Japanese girls, and we went to various places.
 I’m really looking forward to it because they will take me to Disney!




 バディーの子はニッキーといいます。ニッキーは本当に優しくて、クッキーをくれたり、文房具を沢山くれたりしました。休日にニッキーと日本語の授業で一緒の友達と映画を見に行きました。また、放課後には週3日の頻度でショッピングモールに遊びに行ったりもしました! たこ焼きが売っていて食べたのですが値段が$10で高かったです。

 I go to school named Eastlake high school. Eastlake high school is very close to our house,5 minutes by car. Also, my host sister goes to the same school, so we go to school together. There are many nationalities in school, and there are also Koreans and Filipinos. I go to a basketball game every Friday with my host sister.
 I’m taking is Dance class in the first period, English in the second period, Japanese in the third period, Chemistry in the fourth period, AP world history in the fifth period, math in the six period. In the first period of Dance class, we practice stretching and how to walk as a model.
 In Japanese classes, there are many students who like anime and Japanese food, and there are also half American and half Japanese students, which is very fun. It’s cute that everyone is speaking Japanese!
 My Buddy’s name is Nikki. Nikki was really kind and gave me cookies and a lot of stationery. I went to see a movie with Nikki and my friends in Japanese class on a holiday. Also, after school, I went to a shopping mall three days a week! Takoyaki was on sale, and I ate it, but the price was 10 dollars and it was expensive.



 日本の学校では授業ごとに先生が移動していますが、私の通っているアメリカの学校では先生がいる教室に生徒が移動する方式だったのでびっくりしました。メキシコは日本と同じで先生が生徒のいる教室に移動するそうです。また、アメリカの学校は自由でスマホはOK、メイクOK, 髪染めOK に加え、授業中にお菓子を食べても良いので最初は少し混乱しましたが最近慣れてきました。



 In Japanese schools, teachers move in every class, but in American school, I was surprised that students move to the classroom where the teacher is. Mexico is the same as Japan, and the teacher seems to move to a classroom with students. Also, American schools are free and smartphones are OK, makeup is OK, hair dye is OK, and you can eat sweets during classes, so I was a little confused at first, but I have gotten used to it recently.
 Also, when driving a car, I was surprised because in Japan, the driver’s seat is on the right side and the passenger seat is on the left side in the United states. It seems that they can drive from the age of 16 years old, and my host sister also drives a lot. When I eat something, I often leave what we can’t eat in a restaurant, but in the United states, there is a system that gives me a box before we go home and we put what I couldn’t eat in. I thought it would be nice to reduce food waste in that way.

 I often can’t understand English yet, but there is one month left, so I would like to do my best to be able to listen to English and speak fluently!