【国際PG】カナダ ターム留学中間報告 Kさん
カナダ ターム留学中間報告 Kさん
学校はSt. Michael Catholic High School という学校に通っています。この学校には留学生が私たち(大妻多摩生3人)含め6人しかいないので留学生は珍しいと思います。珍しいですが授業を私たちのために分かりやすくしてくれるわけではないので、自分で分からないことは先生に質問したり、周りの生徒の子に聞かなければいけません。 また、私は政治、数学、メディア、サイエンスの授業をとっているのですがほぼすべての授業で課題が出るのでとても大変です。しかし日本では教わることのないような内容の授業を受けることができるのでとても興味深いです。特にメディアのクラスでは海外のメディア広告を見て、この広告がどのような人をターゲットに作られたものなのかを考えて、自分の意見を生徒と共有しました。 他にも、生徒一人一人が自分で広告を調べてこの広告は誰に何を伝えるために作られたのかを考え、共有し、自分の意見とほかの生徒の意見を比較しました。
私は、先生の言っていることが分からない、何をする時間なのか分からない、という時でも諦めずに先生に授業後に質問したり、そのクラスで友達を作って聞いてみたりすることが大切だということを学びました。決して先生や友達と流ちょうに話せているわけでないですが、先生は質問したら優しく答えてくださるし、友達に声を掛けたら相手から話し掛けてくれるので頑張ろう、とやる気が出ます。 残りの日数は少ないですが、自分が成長できるように頑張ります。
English Version
I am studying in Toronto and Ottawa. Canada has a warm winter this year, Especially Toronto. Toronto was warmer than Ottawa so, I was comfortable to live. I spent the first week in Toronto and I spent the rest of the period in Ottawa. I didn’t have a chance to see snow in Toronto so, I could move around in sneakers. However, Ottawa is snowy as far as I can see, so I must wear snow boots. There are two things that surprised me. The first one is how to get on the bus in Toronto. People in Toronto often uses buses even for short distances. Buses don’t show their destination, so I must check the bus’s number before I get on the bus. It was so confusing. Also, I must wait for the bus because buses are often delayed. However, I met a kind person who talked with me while waiting for the bus. It was a good experience for me.
The second one is how to go to school in Canada. Almost all students use the school bus. I was so surprised. And I must be ready quickly after finishing my last class because I don’t want to miss the school bus. My host family consists of host mother, host father, host sister and Mini poodle. My host sister is the same age as me. We often do our homework or watch movies. When I went to Ottawa from Toronto, my host mother had a paper with my name in Ottawa airport, so I was happy. My host family are very kind, so I easily talk to my host family. I thank my host family very much. I have a very fun time every day. I go to St. Michael Catholic High School. There are only six International students in this school, so I think that international students are rare. However, our teacher doesn’t’ speak slowly, so we must listen carefully. If I miss hearing, I must ask our teacher or my classmates. I take classes in civics, math, media and science. All classes give us homework, so it is so hard. However, I can study things that are not taught in Japan. Especially in the media class, I shared my opinion with the students by looking at foreign media advertisements and thinking about what kind of people are targeted by those advertisements. Each student also researched the advertisement on his or her own, thought about what the advertisement was designed to communicate and to whom, and shared our opinion with the other students. I have learned that even when I don't understand what the teacher is saying or what I am supposed to do, it is important to ask questions to the teacher after class or make friends in the class and ask them, without giving up. I am not always able to speak easily with my teachers or friends, but my teachers are kind enough to answer my questions, and when I talk to my friends, they talk to me, which motivates me to do my best. There are only a few days left, but I will do my best so that I can grow.