OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


ドイツ 留学レポート from 宮治さん【2019年度】


ドイツ 留学レポート from 宮治さん【2019年度】

高校1年生(32期生)  ドイツ留学

Berufskolleg Senneにて


Hallo! Wie geht es Ihnen?

About a month has passed since I came to Germany. In this report I would like to write about my life in Germany and some findings.



First of all, I would like to write about my school life. I’m studying at Berufskolleg Senne. This school starts at 7:30. In Germany, it’s still dark outside. Students usually have four lessons every day. Each lesson has 90 minutes and we have a 15-minute break between lessons.

I joined English, PE, chemistry, and c-Modul. When I took part in the English lesson, the content of the lesson was General Lab Safety. It was interesting to study different topics in English. We also learned something about job interviews, and we thought about the personality of each student in pairs. In chemistry lessons, we did some experiments. We used PH-paper and an electronic indicator to know if the material is acidic or basic. There are many machines for experiments, so I was surprised! In c-Modul lessons, we learned how to bind books, and actually worked on it. It was really fun for me!

まず初めに、私の学校生活について紹介したいと思います。私はBerufskolleg Senne という学校に通っています。学校は730に始まります。ドイツではこの時間もまだ外は暗いです。ここでは毎日90分の授業が4コマ、その間には15分の休憩があります。私は英語、体育、化学、c-Modulに参加しました。英語の授業では化学実験を安全に行う方法を学びました。英語で他の科目の内容を学ぶのは面白かったです。他にもJob interviewというテーマでは、ペアでそれぞれの性格について考えました。化学ではいくつかの実験をしました。PH試験紙や機械を使って酸性か塩基性かを調べました。とてもたくさんの実験用の機械があって驚きました。C-Modulでは造本について学んで、実際に本を綴じてみました。とても楽しかったです!

I thought that students in this school are very active and creative. They think for themselves and do what they need to do, for example, about their ways of presentation in a chemistry lesson. Students were separated in some groups, and then they held presentations in many different ways. Some students made movies about their theme, and others wrote a fiction story. How creative they are! I think the reason that they can put things together freely is because of different ways of lesson, compared with a Japanese style.

Also, German students raise their hands in many situations. It’s natural for them to raise their hands when they want to say their opinions or questions. Even when they were talking to friends, they did it. Every day, I feel the importance of having our own opinions and telling others.



Second, I would like to write about projects for the environment in Germany. In public places, such as on highways, there are some wind turbines. Also, I saw many solar systems on roofs of houses. German people separate waste in different ways compared to the Japanese way. This photo shows trash cans in my school. The blue trash can is for paper. The yellow one is for plastic. If trash is not paper or plastic, you can throw it away to the black one. At home, a green garbage can is for food waste. Glass waste is also separated. Used batteries should be collected and taken to a shop such as a supermarket. About packages like milk carton with green sign named dual system, you can throw them away in a yellow bag. There are no bags for things you buy at a supermarket, so you should take your own bag when you go shopping. Paper bags and bags made from cloth are sold there. There are also plastic bags, but they’re more expensive than other bags. I think drinks in plastic bottles are fewer than Japan. More people use bottles made from glass.

次にドイツの環境に対する事業について書こうと思います。広い土地のあるところ、特に高速道路の周りでは、風力発電のための風車がいくつも見られます。また、ソーラーパネルを設置している家が多いように思います。ゴミの分別もしていて、ゴミ箱は色分けされています。この写真は学校のゴミ箱です。紙は青、生ゴミは緑、プラスチックは黄色、他に分類できないものは黒です。ガラスも色付きと透明のもので分けられ、使い終わった電池は集めてスーパーマーケットなどの店に持っていきます。黄色の袋には、dual systemという緑のマークがついた、牛乳パックなどを捨てられます。スーパーマーケットでは袋はすべて有料で、紙袋、布製の袋が主に売られています。ビニール袋は値段が高いそうです。ペットボトルに入った飲み物は日本よりも少なく、代わりに瓶を使っている人が多いように思います。

Next, about the city I’m staying. My school is in Bielefeld, old city that has 800-year-history. My friends and I visited the castle, which is the symbol of the city. This is the photo of it. I could see beautiful scenery on the top of the castle.

My host family lives in a village in the city next to Bielefeld. Every Thursday, a market is held at a church near our house. My buddy’s grandmother sells accessories that she made there.

My buddy, her mother and I went to a farm to see my host mother’s cousin’s horse on holiday. There were also dogs, chickens, and cows. I was very happy to see many animals because I like them. Two weeks later, I could experience horse riding at another farm!

To keep a good view of their village, there is a rule for building. The new building should be less than 3 floors. Speaking of building, the highest in Bielefeld is Deutsche Telekom. It’s 78 m and has 18 floors.





By the way, Japanese culture is spread in Germany, too. I was surprised that there are restaurants you can eat Japanese food, general stores that sell things that designed like Japanese style, and so on. My buddy does Shaolin-kempo every Monday and Friday after school. At school, I found one student who is interested in Japanese calligraphy, so I used a pen shaped like writing brush together. Also, I taught hiragana and katakana to some students. I also wrote and told students’ names in Japanese. They looked happy to know letters completely different shape from alphabets.


I really enjoy new experiences that I can only have in my stay in Germany. I’m very happy to stay with such a nice host family and many friends. I only have two weeks left for my stay, so I want to be more active, and experience things as many as I can. To have a good cross-cultural understanding, I want not only to show Japanese culture but also know more about many kinds of German cultures. Moreover, I will learn more German words to achieve one of my goal for my stay.

Thank you for reading my report.  Auf Wiedersehen!

