オーストラリア 留学レポート from 清水さん【2019年度】
高校1年生(32期生) オーストラリア留学
Brigidine Collegeにて
G’day mate! Actually, young people these days don’t say this anymore though. I’m Shimizu. I’m attending Brigidine college in Brisbane. I would like to share my stay in Australia a bit.
G’day mate! なんて最近のオージーは言わないそうです。ブリスベンにあるブリジディーンカレッジに留学中の清水です。皆さんにここでの生活を少し紹介したいと思います!
Since this school has a religion of Christianity, they hold mass regularly. I had an image of being strict and too formal in the mass. In fact, even though songs we sing at the mass are based on thoughts of religion, they are very casual and make me excited. I like this mass very much but if you ask them if they like it as well, they might 99% say “Not really.” By the way, about one third students in this school are not Christian including non-religion.
My current host mother wants her daughter to choose whatever religion she likes when she grows up. Here in Australia, everything depends on individuals.
授業の多くは大妻多摩で言う〇〇総合の授業に似ています。私が好きな教科は英語です。英語の授業では芸能人の行動や広告、イメージは私たちにどのような影響を与えるか、イギリス王室のハリー、メーガン夫妻を通して学びました。効果的なパラグラフを書く練習をしています。ここではまとまった試験期間がない代わりにプレゼンの課題があります。相手を引き込むプレゼンのテクニックを本場ネイティブから教わることができるのは本当に意義のあることです!内容をすべて理解するのなど到底できませんが、先生の喋り方はまるでTed Talk を聞いているかのようですごく引き込まれます。毎授業20人くらいの少人数です。また日本のように机といすが碁盤の目のように配置されているわけではなく、とにかく座れれば良いと考えているのか、とっても自由に配置されています。そのため先生は自由に歩き回れるので、先生の面倒見が良くてカジュアルな雰囲気が好きです。
The most of classes are about the same as general-subject classes. My favourite one is English. In this class, we consider how celebrities culture make an influence on us in the aspects of their behaviour, ads and images by learning through Harry and Meghan. We are trying to write paragraphs which have kick to it. Instead of mid-exam, we have assignment of presentation. I can learn some techniques of presentation which get everyone’s attention from native English teacher. This is what I would exactly like to learn! Though it’s impossible for me to understand whole things in classes now, I learn a lot because the teacher’s way of talking is like a Ted Talk speaker. The placement of desks and chairs in the classrooms is different from Japan. They are placed randomly rather than placed tidy in a grid of pattern. We can seat anywhere we want. This is also our choice.
I heard that Australian people were relaxed and slow. It seemed to be Australian national character. However, as far as I see, that was totally a lie. The students started packing their laptops up before hearing the bell ringing. No sooner had the bell rang than the students left rooms saying “Thank you Mr/Mrs/Miss blah-blah!” Also, most of them try not be late for next classes. That was my bias, too. Most students don’t have club activities or even though they have them, they are usually held in the morning. Unlike Japan, the shops close early because people want to go home early.
ここオーストラリアで本当によくいわれるのが 「あなたのやりたい方で」「あなたが選択できることだよ」です。先生やホストマザーだけでなく、友達も人の選択に一切口出しせず、互いの選択を尊重します。一緒に行きたいか行きたくないか、隣に座りたいか座りたくないか、特に食べたいか食べたくないかに関してはNOと言える勇気が求められます。言わなければあっという間に顎の下がぷにぷにしてしまいます。
Here in Australia, I get the phrases “Whatever you want.” “You can do it if you want.” “Your choice.” all the time. Not only teachers and host families but also friends never deny someone’s decisions.
We are supposed to have a courage of saying “NO”. Whether or not I want to go, whether or not I want to seat next to someone or something. Especially, about eating extra or not is the most important. We should say “No, thank you,” if we don’t want it. Otherwise we have to be friend with extra flesh.
I also found that Australian were very expressive especially the students around me. If they talk angrily, they change tone of voices and use muscles all over the faces. They also talk as if they are on stage. It’s really meaningful that I can learn how to use gestures and body languages by being surrounded by people who do that.
They want to value time at home. They finally can be relaxed there.
ここに来る前にオーストラリアのなまりのことを少し勉強し、アイ ライク が オアイ ロアイク のようになるから気をつけて聞かなきゃ!と身構えていたのですが、デジタルデザインの先生を除きそのようなアクセントは全く聞く機会がなく拍子抜けしました。ブリスベンのような都市部ではめったに聞くことがないそうです。それでもやはりオージーイングリッシュではあります。マザーにイギリス英語とどう違うのって聞いたら、ぜんぜん違うよー、オーストラリア人は怠けている!とドヤ顔で言われました。確かにブレックファーストはブレッキーでベジタブルはベジーといっています。名前も省略します。しかし時に省略した結果長くなってしまうこともあります。ちなみに私はリッキーと呼ばれています。また、イギリス英語もそうですがhere やlaterのrをキープしないのも国民性につながっているような気がします。rを伸ばすのはめんどうですからね!怠けていると否定的にいいますがそんなオージーであることに誇りを持っているようです。
もう1つのオーストラリア人の誇るべきところはいつもごきげんなところです。本当にお話し好きでこちらの人はみんな歌が大好きです。マザーが鼻歌を歌っているときはこちらも幸せな気持ちになります。1つ驚いたのがThank you. の返しに相当する言葉の多さです。You’re welcome. That’s all right. That’s ok. No problem. No worries. All good. You’re fine. などをさらっと言えるのはかっこいいなと思います。ホストマザーはThank you. というとYou’re welcome, honey! と元気よく答えてくれます。私にはそれが嬉しくてたまりません!
Before I came to Australia, I learned about Australian accent a bit as a basic knowledge, “ai” becomes “oi” and “ay” becomes “ai” and so on. Then I listened to their conversations carefully. After a while, I noticed something was wrong. I wasn’t struggling for that. That’s right because people living in city areas don’t have accent like that.
Having said that, they speak Aussie English. I asked my host mother the differences between Australian English and British English. She said with her smug face, “Australian English is lazy because people in Australia are lazy.” That’s true. They call breaky and veggies instead of calling breakfast and vegetables. They also shorten their names. Sometimes shortening words makes them longer. I am called “Ricky”. Also, the reason why they don’t keep pronouncing “r” sound long is from their national character. Pronouncing “r” sound is a lot of work for them! They seem to be proud of them of being Australian.
There is a drive-in theatre on every Saturday night. It was really nice to set sleeping bed on the truck bed and watch movies. I had a really good experience before watching movies. My host sister sells scrunches at there. We don’t have to pay or apply for that. In Japan, there is no culture that children sell something face to face, isn’t there? My host sister suggested me to sell origami there. Who takes the trouble to buy origami? I thought. However, at least it was a good opportunity to talk with people and spread Japanese culture a little bit. Her scrunches caught every child’s attention. Just when I was about to give it up, the man who has 5 girls kindly bought my unicorn and koala origami! I was sure this sale experiences made her talkative and humorous person.
Since I’ve heard Australian people had thoughts of saving environment, I watched around my host family’s house to gain facts which Australian care about regarding that. I mentioned that they watched TV without light and asked them if they did that for the environment.
The answer was “No.” and they continued
“TV is bright, the room is also bright. That’s too bright, isn’t it? We want to feel like watching cinemas.”
That’s true. However, we Japanese were taught to turn lights on when we watch TV to reduce damage to our eyes. Even though they know watching TV in the dark is not good for their health, it’s easy to watch TV with colour contrast. That’s why they can’t help turning the light off.
We can see the difference at school as well. Homeroom classes are always dim, and every class is not so bright. In the Japanese class, when the Japanese teacher said,” It’s dim, isn’t it?” and she was about to turn the light on, the students said, “No, it’s too bright!” We Japanese just shared our Japanese sense at that time.
Few students had a rule of laundry once a week.
We can’t say all families don’t use plastic bags. When I was shopping with first host family, I saw the situation that they got cardboard boxes which were used to arrange snacks in the shelves by pushing aside them to other boxes. Then they used it to carry things to buy. Eventually, they brought it home. Or just buying plastic bags which costs from 50 cents to 1 dollar. My current host family uses lots of eco bags in contrast because they go shopping only once a week.
今の目標は、喉の奥で一時停止してしまっている「思ったこと」をとにかく口に出すこと、私にとっても良くしてくれるバディに「大丈夫? なにか困った事はある?」と言わせる前にアクションを起こすことです。そして自分の視野を広げられる選択をすることです。毎日がたくさんの選択で成り立っています。残りわずか3週間ですが、りんごを丸かじりする何かとサボりがちな人々とともにがんばります!
Since we are the only exchange students in Brigidine, we can’t make friends with the same backgrounds as us. Every conversation among them is based on Australian culture. Especially, if the subject is about certain celebrities, I’ll feel a little miserable. This is very hard for me. I regret every single day that I have some situations in which I can’t keep conversations or express something well under pressure. Now I am setting goals that I am sure to say things saying to myself and not to let my dear buddy say, “Are you all right, Ricky?” before I ask her something on my own. I’ll make my own choices so that I can broaden my horizons. My own choices make my everyday life in here. I’ll do my best with people who are too lazy to cut the apple when they eat!