OTSUMA TAMA Junior and Senior High School


オーストラリア 留学レポート from 小川さん【2019年度】


オーストラリア 留学レポート from 小川さん【2019年度】

高校1年生(32期生)  オーストラリア留学

Brigidine Collegeにて

TOP写真:When I rode a ferry with my family!

Hi! This is Reika Ogawa. I’m in Australia as an exchange student from Otsuma Tama high school to Brigidine College in Brisbane, Queensland. I’m staying in Australia from January 26th and will be here until March 29th. The life in Australia is completely different from what I have in Japan and there are a lot of things I literally want you to know about it. Through this report, I would describe and embody what I feel in here in detail and I hope you would be content with it.

ごきげんよう!小川玲佳です。私は今オーストラリア、クイーンズランド州ブリスベンに留学していて、Brigidine Collegeに通っています。1月26日にオーストラリアに渡り、3月29日までここに滞在する予定です。オーストラリアでの生活は日本のものとは全く違い、皆さんにもぜひ知ってほしいです。このレポートを通し、オーストラリアでの生活の様子や、私が感じたことを詳しく説明したいと思います。

Firstly, I’d like to explain about Brigidine College, which is a Roman Catholic school for girls and has a lovely green coloured school uniform. We wear a hat as well at school. It is quite usual for private schools in Australia to have a hat as a part of uniform. The school is erected in steep landscape where I need to climb surprising number of steep slopes and stairs. We have assembly every Tuesday and mostly Principle Mr. Carhill gives a speech about faith and spirit dedicated to Catholic, especially for House leaders, and sing religious songs. The words of enjoyable and casual would best fit for attribution of these songs. We students are divided into 6 groups of houses, which are Foley, Chanel, Damien, Delaney, McKillop and De Porress.

Each name of these houses are named after vital people such as patron saints and founder of this school. This house system is to generate sense of belonging for all students by having the same house homeroom with students from all grades together. Still, I have classes for nine subjects with students in the same grade and from various houses. Basically, there are 6 period of lessons for each day from Monday to Friday. Lesson for 1 period is mostly 50 minutes and there are no breaks except for two times of recess, which is called Morning Tea and Lunch respectively. We eat snacks and lunch we bring from home at these recesses. Students willingly decide which recess they use to eat lunch. That fact allows my friends to eat lunch at very early Morning Tea time, which is curious thing to know for me.

まず、私が通っているBrigidine Collegeという学校について説明します。Bridigine Collegeはローマ・カトリックの女子校で、生徒は素敵な緑のワンピース制服と麦わら帽子をかぶります。帽子はオーストラリアの私立学校によく見られる制服の一部です。学校は傾斜地にあり、また土地が狭いため、学校内には多くの坂、階段があります。毎週火曜日には集会があり、校長先生の演説を聴き、歌を歌います。内容はカトリックの精神や信条に基づきます。歌は、ポップソングを彷彿させるほど明るく、また歌っていて楽しいです。

生徒は6つのHouseのうちの一つに所属します。Houseは学校の創始者や宗教的な人物など著名な人々の名前にちなんでいます。Houseには7年生から12年生までのすべての学年の生徒が所属します。毎朝の朝礼やイベントなどでHouseの生徒たちは共に時間を過ごします。House制では、すべての学年の生徒と関わり、協調性、一体感を生徒たちが学ぶことを目的としているそうです。授業は、いろいろなHouseからの同学年の生徒約20人前後で受けます。学校は月曜日から金曜日まであり、1限から6限目まであり、基本的に50分授業です。それぞれの時限の合間に休み時間はなく、2限と3限の合間のMorning Teaと4限と5限の間にあるLunchという時間のみが休み時間となります。それらの時間に各自持参であったり購買で買った軽食と昼食を食べます。どの休み時間に何をいつ食べるかは個人によって異なり、10時頃のMorning Teaの時間に昼食を食べている子を見たときは驚きました。

The subject every 10th grader has is English, Mathematics, Physical Science, Humanities, Core Physical Education, Religious Education and Formation. I chose Japanese and Digital Design as electives, the two subjects each student can choose on their own, from Dance, Drama, Art, Music, Japanese, French, Digital Design and so on.

The hardest and the most confusing subject is, as I’ve expected, Religious Education where I feel the overly difference of spirituality and belief for Catholic and Buddhism. As for easiest one, it is Mathematics. The content of the lesson is what I’ve already done in Japan such as Simultaneous equations and Linear equations.

I think contents of English and Humanities literally stimulate students’ creativeness. In English classes, we discuss the representation of celebrities and their impact on teens culture. In humanities, we consider definition measurement of well-being and SDGs and eventually summarize main ideas of them. Teachers in these subjects try to proceed lessons through the communication between teachers and students by questioning and answering predominantly, the situation to be seen in Japan no longer. Honestly, physical science is hard unexpectedly because it’s my first time to learn physical science thoroughly and I never understand physics clearly. We’re working on Velocity, Momentum and Impulse and I often talk a lot with friends to understand mystifying formulas and solve assigned worksheets.




理学は、速度、運動量や力積を習っていますが、日本では学んだことのない新たな分野であり困惑します。V=U+atや P=mVなどよくわからない公式にとても苦戦していますが、友達と相談しつつなんとか授業についていっている、という状態です。(笑)

We’re needed to bring computers to all lessons and it is necessary to use computer applications such as OneNote and Seqta to do homework and check timetable.


Secondly, I would state about the life with my host families. I spend each 3 weeks with each host family, thus following this systematic rule I can meet 3 host families during 65 days of stay here and I’m in the second family’s house now. All the family members are sweet and fond astonishingly and they embarked me journey for fantastic and notable places represented by Gold Coast and South Bank. By the way, the most enjoyable place out of all is Broad Beach in Gold Coast. With well-known fact of vast land in the country, every place here has validity of replacement of mind from exhausted to relaxing and refreshing. I infer such aestheticized sense I obtain here well reflect culture and characteristic of the Australian.

↑I travelled Gold Coast!


Finally, I want to allude factual and empirical things I’ve gained in Australia. Predominantly, they are common, endemic and cultural sense and value which is the essential purpose of my stay to derive.

The conclusion of all experience here can be summarized to the words of mental and physical. More precisely, the Australian culture is explained in terms of more physical and less mental in comparison to the one in Japan. Let me mention three evidences.



Long precious stay with Australian family made me notice surprising number of occasions of applying expression and rhetoric for conversations to convey familial love presented for “I love you,” “honey” and “darling” to the family members. In early time I felt awkward and uncomfortable to hear these refrains every single day. The reason for this is that the Japanese perceive the kind of familial affection as “tacit” understanding and don’t tell such refrains overly and directly. This experience provoked me to create inferential idea that way of communication is physically in Australia and mentally in Japan.

まず、ホストファミリーは、寝る前や学校に行く前だけではなくいかなる場合でも”I love you,” “honey” や”darling”という言葉や愛称を互いに用いているという、家族愛をきちんと言葉にして伝えている事実と日本人の場合、基本的にはそれらのような家族への信頼を言語化するという行動を起こさず、暗黙の了解として共通の認識にとどめておくという違いがあります。この違いにより、仮説を立てました。それはオーストラリア人のコミュニケーションのとり方は身体的であり、日本人は精神的であるということです。

When I was in classroom, missed the directions the teacher ordered and was confused about what to do, at first, I was literally and simply waiting for someone to notice me and give me some help. However, this didn’t work because there is physical culture and I was required to take an action of telling someone for help, which is physical conduct of verbalization and conversation. Obviously, I assume my first action of waiting was Japanese proper mental conduct known as sympathy.  


Therefore, now I understand the cliché of spat “Please explain what you think unequivocally” would be offensive for the Japanese but critical moral motto for the Australian.


Also, my assumption of “physical culture” in Australia would be the explanation of adequate vocabulary of absolute words such as “definitely” and “absolutely” which are handled in response of question in Australia. Instead of showing the feeling and thought by observing slight difference in facial expression which is Japanese aesthetics, people in Australia, or English speakers use distinguishable verbal representation.


Accordingly, it is persuasive that numerous opportunities of raising hands to claim opinion and idea assigned in classroom and students’ courage of responding the expectation of teachers are evoked by physical, in other words, extroverted form of interaction permeated in Australian people.


The discovery and formulate hypothesis of drastic, radical Australian culture is super exciting and impressive. Nearly all cultural behaviour such as communication and its function and root could be denoted by this. That observation led me to communicate positively with my friends and gave opportunity of hanging out with them!

↑With Mr Cahill, Steven Sensei and Riko.


By the way, the weather in Australia is quite weird these days like repetition of raining and clear sky. Also, the number of corona virus patients is increasing gradually in Australia. The recent news of a new case in Toowong, which is near Indooroopilly, wherein our school locates, triggered fear of infection. People start to buy groceries such as toilet papers, pasta and bread for stock and they become to be sold out everywhere as well as Japan. Seemingly from my statistic of students in Brigidine, people in Australia prefer using hand sanitizer rather than masks. That order of priority is exactly opposite from the one in Japan.


Apparently my name is somewhat hard for certain number of people to call, so I’m often called both “Reika” and “Reaka.”

riences would be the contribution of acquirability for objective and diversified point of view to apply for creative and critical thinking. I only have 4 weeks left for stay in here, but I’ll do my best to have tangible experience hopefully. I really appreciate to have this meaningful life in Australia and want to convey thank-you to my mother, father, brother, teachers and friends both in Japan and Australia. Thank you for reading my report!
