ニュージーランド 留学レポート from 小川さん【2019年度】
高校1年生(32期生) ニュージーランド留学
Sacred Heart Girls’ Collegeにて
一番のオークランドでの思い出はスカイタワーに行った夜です。スカイタワーもオークランドの街を一望することが出来てとても綺麗だったのですが、そのあとに行ったビーチが最高でした!近くのデイリーショップでTip Topのホーキーポーキーというミルクアイスにカリカリのキャラメルが入ったニュージーランドのフレーバーのアイスを買って、ビーチに腰掛けて食べました。家族連れや恋人同士、友達同士の会話している声や波の音が聞こえて、レストランなどの灯りが輝いていて、まるで映画のシーンで出てきそうな風景で心奪われました。
Hello! I‘m studying abroad in New Zealand. I arrived in Auckland on 18th January and learned cultures of New Zealand and English for a week. I was very nervous when I met my host family because I’d not done a homestay before. But they were so kind to us such as a real family.
We went to Sky Tower on Thursday. The view from Sky Tower was amazing! I could see all of Auckland from there. After that we went to a beach and ate hokey pokey ice cream. We were called by our host mother as soon as we came back home, and she gave us a bag which has something in. Looking inside, there were a lot of souvenirs in it! Our host mother had bought them at the Sky Tower Shop!! I almost cried because I was very happy.
Although we had a life in Auckland for only a week, I had beautiful memories.
そして、2月25日にオークランドを離れ、ハミルトンに到着しました。私が通っている学校はSacred Heart Girl‘s Collegeという女子校で、毎日、Obiterというバスに乗って登校しています。バスでの登校初日は分からないことが多く、とても戸惑いました。例えば、バスが来たら手を振って自分が乗りたいということを示さなくてはいけませんし、バスから降りる時は ”Thank you!”と言います。しかし、初日はこれらのことが出来ず、バスの運転手さんに怒られました。今ではバス通学も慣れて、休日には1人でバスに乗り、ショッピングモールなどに行っています。
I left in Auckland on 25th January. It took about two hours from Auckland to Hamilton. The name of a school I go to is “Sacred Heart Girl‘s College”, and I go to there by bus every day. The first time I got on a bus I was very nervous and confused. We have to wave a hand toward a bus when it is coming to a bus stop, and we say “Thank you” when we get off a bus. But now, I can go to many places by bus myself!
There a lot of international students in my school: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, Filipino and so on. Surprisingly, there is a student who is half Japanese, and she can speak Japanese!
At lunch time I often have a lunch with my buddy and her friends. We sometimes play something: badminton, card game, ball game. They are so nationality that I am happy because I can learn various things! About a month left I leave. Considering and enjoying, I’ll spend a precious time,