ニュージーランド 留学レポート from 黒澤さん【2019年度】

高校1年生(32期生) ニュージーランド留学
Marist Collegeにて
ごきげんよう!みなさんお元気ですか?Marist Collegeに留学している黒澤です。私はニュージーランドのオークランドに滞在しています。私は到着後の1週間の語学研修を受けた後、新しい家庭に移動し、今の2件目のホストファミリーの家に帰国するまで滞在する予定です。出発してから約1ヶ月が経った今もなお毎日新しいことでいっぱいですが、元気に楽しく過ごしています。
Kia Ora! How are you? I’m Kurosawa and attend Marist College. I stay in Auckland New Zealand. After I did language training for a week, I moved to next host family and stay there now. I’ll stay here until I leave New Zealand. There’re still a lot of new things every day, but I really enjoy staying here.
First one week, I did language training with other students. Besides English classes, I went a local supermarket, and learned about Maori culture. And in my host family, there were host parents, 9 and 6 years old boys. But there are cultures that look forward to visiting other people’s homes, so there were always people who were not family members. I could get close to not only with my brothers, but also with them. We sang Maori and English songs together with crossing shoulders. And my host mother took me many places during my stay. I went a beach, Auckland Zoo, Sky City, and so on. These were all attractive places. It was a fulfilling week, so it was hard to part with my teacher, my host family, and everyone who spent a week. But I took the expectations of my host family and headed to the next home.
→Arataki(My host mother took me!)
My second host family is Maori, and there are host parents, 16 years old, 14 years old and 5 years old girl and 6 years old boy. Especially in this house, people come in and go out and meet many strangers even now. After school, I play badminton with my host sister and host brother, watch movies, and play card games. On weekends, I go swimming in a beach all day and biking. It depends on each week. I go to church every Sunday morning.
My school life is completely different from Japan. I use the local buses every day. I have to change to another bus, so I was confused because the next bus stop is far from there. But now, I can go back and forth by myself. I chose Maori, Drama, Science, History, Math, ESL, and ENH. It is difficult just to understand every subject, but I do my best by examining words one by one.
There were a lot of unexpected events, but I have been able to get over it thanks to myself, the people around me, and my family and friend who support me in Japan. I want to thank them and spend time meaningfully. Thank you for reading.